CEO of ApexOrion, Punita Dave, regularly blogs about her Agile journey. Often, she, blogs about her conversations with others in the industry and shares her experiences & thoughts about those conversations informally and candidly in these blogs.
These are more of a conversation that she has with you and with others, as compared to articles and white papers, which are more about her research and experience. Her blogging style is unique and it makes you feel as if you are talking to her rather than reading something she wrote.
Punita believes that “Writings document problems and solutions, conversations help find solutions.”
My friend Sam's comment, "They will not Encourage me. They will not Fire me."
Blog about what happens if the Scrum Master is now asked to play the role of a Product Owner?
Scrum in a non-profit volunteer work for Kids.
Is there something like "Too much Collboration?" If yes, how much is too much? Find out in this blog.
Many believe that it is easy to be a Scrum Master as it is only about setting up meetings and taking notes.
Who wants Scrum?
A common misconception is that CI/CD will eliminate the need for Scrum. Is it true?
Agile needs to step out of Software Development Teams and spread its wings to other functions and other industries.
Is Agile and Scrum for the Teams or for Leadership or for both?
Is Agile Planning weak or strong? Blog about planning misconceptions.
How does Impediment Removal change for a Scrum Master as the Scrum Team matures?